Thursday, April 12, 2007

for more money

Earn A College Degree Online From Your Own Home

Earn A College Degree Online From Your Own Home

You can earn a college degree online from the comfort of your own home. Now earning your degree is easier than ever before. You don't have to spend your days on a college campus; instead you can keep your current job and take classes from home. Most courses are similar to on-campus courses, except you do all the work from home. These convenient varieties of pursuing a college degree are also available for individuals working towards certain graduate school degrees.

Schools That Offer On-Line Programs

There are two main types of colleges that offer degrees you can complete from home. Regular universities and on-line universities usually offer a variety of on-line programs. Both programs are extremely flexible and available at a very inexpensive price. Because students are requesting a more flexible schedule many schools are adapting their regular curriculum.

Many campus school courses are now available in both the on-campus and online forms. So students who cannot attend a regular campus version of the class can still take it through the on-line form. Campus programs have had to add degrees online in order to keep up with the changing needs of their students.

The other main type of school that offers low cost on line degrees is a distance education college. These colleges specialize in a variety of different distance education courses. They usually offer teleconferences, virtual classrooms, and online courses. Many of these colleges have locations in major cities across the country. Students can then choose to attend classes at the physical school location or online.


Online universities do not usually charge more than a regular four-year school. In fact, many online universities are cheap compared to the high price of four-year schools. Both types of school offer assistance through federal financial aid, which can make college possible for low-income families.

Because of the financial aid and grants that are available to students, online degree programs are an affordable online college degree option. Most students who want to attend either type of university can apply for financial aid from the federal government. Some forms of financial aid are need based and some forms are given to all individuals who request it.

Busy Schedules

With the busy schedule that many individuals have today an online educational program is a great way to get the degree that is needed in order to move ahead in their current position. Most people who attend an online degree program will complete their bachelor's degree in a similar amount of time as students who go to regular class meetings.

Online programs are a great alternative to the regular four-year university. Students need a variety in their education and can benefit from the degrees offered through on-line programs. Not all degrees can be offered through on-line training, but many programs can easily transfer from an on-campus course to an on-line course.

Before settling for an on-campus degree program, consider looking into online programs that might fit your busy schedule better.

By: Mike Jerry

Article Directory:

An affordable online college degree is not a myth! For help finding an inexpensive, convenient and quality higher education option that is right for you please visit us at:

Why Let Financial Problems Ruin Your Marriage

Why Let Financial Problems Ruin Your Marriage

Is money so hard to understand? Financial problems in a marriage are definitely a true relationship killer and one of the most common marriage problems that unnecessarily result in divorce.

Money matters are quite simple when you think about it. You can either afford something or you can t and, if you can t you have two choices, either stop spending money elsewhere or earn more money.

I m looking for a new car at the moment which has really got me thinking about the number of people who fund such purchases on finance then struggle to make the repayments. Now I can understand the need for a car and that people aren t always in the position to buy such an expensive item out right, but what does amaze me is the type of vehicles that people buy on finance.

One of my best friends always buys cars on credit and not any old car, cars such as range rovers, mercedes and jaguars, and yet struggles to make monthly mortgage repayments let alone fund the financing on the car. As a family they look at us and envy the fact that we don t have to worry when an unexpected bill comes in or if we want something we can just go out and buy it without any concern. That s because we follow the main golden rule for avoiding financial problems in a marriage, we never spend what we haven t got and we don t waste money on unnecessary interest repayments.

It s quite a simple concept really, if we want something that isn t critical we wait for it, we only buy what we can afford. If we needed to take out finance for a car we would buy something that would do the job but not a luxury vehicle. Have you ever seen how many luxury cars are repossessed and go through the auctions? What a waste, just look at what is lost in the initial deposit and interest and then the cars lost and sold for peanuts to more the financially astute.

Anyway, back to my friends, there marriage is always under strain because financial problems are continually at the forethought of their minds. They never know from one month to another how they will fund the next mortgage payment or car repayment. Petty things get blown out of perspective because stress levels run high which all stems from the financial problems in the marriage. They get upset with each other and yet they are both to blame, they both want what they can t afford and even though they earn far more than most, with every penny they earn their expectations increase, their spending increases and the financial problems continue.

So many couples let themselves into financial problems just because they choose to ignore money issues, expect them to disappear, resolve themselves without any effort but, just like any other marriage problem financial issues need to be addressed, nipped in the bud before they become out of hand.

Fighting isn t the answer, arguing doesn t solve anything and it certainly doesn t address the real cause of the problem which is all down to supply and demand. In doesn t really matter how the original problem occurred, why money is now short and why bills can t be paid and generally the fault doesn t tend to lie with one person, the question is how soon are you both going to face up to the issue, get your head out of the clouds and start doing something about it.

I was speaking to a friend the other night and he was fighting an issue from a totally different corner from his wife to be, forgetting the whole concept that marriage is all down to team work, working together to resolve anything that life throws at you. When you loose focus, fail to see what really matters in life, start arguing and fighting against each other rather than working together to sort such issues out you start to chip away at the very foundations of what could be a solid relationship.

No matter how your financial problems in your marriage developed, blissful ignorance, credit card happy, making an important financial decision without discussing it or just spending too much every week, you have to now sit down together, focus on the issue at hand, forget what has happened in the past, how you got into the situation in the first place and put all your time and energy into sorting it out.

Don t blame anyone, don t go looking for a fight just sit down, detail your spending, detail your earnings and then work out how you close the gap. Support each other through the process, work together towards the same goal which is to learn to live within your means whether that be through working more hours, retraining for a higher paid job, finding opportunities to earn extra cash from home or just accepting you are living outside your means and working out how you can spend less.

Don t let financial problems cloud your marriage, sort them out before you destroy something very special and live to regret it.

By: Terry Ross -

Article Directory:

To learn more visit my websites: Save your Marriage, Common Marriage Problems

Why Bother Earning Extra Cash On Your Computer?

Why Bother Earning Extra Cash On Your Computer?

The question is 'how to earn extra money at home on computer'. Is there really a market for doing such stuff? The cash paying free paid surveys market as a whole is worth close to $41 Billion globally - and this does not even scratch the surface of this exponentially growing trend.

Another definition that is not always mentioned comes out in what is referred to as a focus group. A focus group is usually highly paid, but most places will have limits to how much you can participate, as well as have criteria that has to be met. Most criteria deals with how many surveys you participate in on a daily basis.

These focus groups consist of six to ten people who are present at the same time, and go through an interview process. A lot of information can be achieved from businesses who participate in this type of study. That is why they are willing to pay good money week in and week out just to garner all these data from the general public.

The amount of money that you can make depends on the number of the surveys you can complete in the group. You may have time to complete 10 surveys only, each for 5 dollars and another person may be lucky and complete 50 surveys for 10 dollars. Also, you are dependant on the surveying companies to send you surveys. The frequency depends on the type of the company and on your profile.

In all reality, focus groups make great business ideas for earning extra money. Getting involved with one can certainly make your survey business more profitable. Many of these places offer a free membership for paid surveys, so there is no out of pocket cost.

So in reference to the original phrase 'make cash using free paid surveys', you now have a solid foundation of business ideas for earning extra money, AND for working from home.

By: Luke T. Axton -

Article Directory:

Get the latest in ideas & resources on paid surveys and work from home business info.

9 Great Tips On Internet Marketing To Boost Skyrocket Your Sales & Profits Online!

9 Great Tips On Internet Marketing To Boost Skyrocket Your Sales & Profits Online!

by zMillionDollars

Now, I am going to share you my 9 great tips on internet marketing to boost skyrocket your sales & profits online. I believe that even if you have profitable home based business, the following great tips on internet marketing will be beneficial directly to your business online, absolutely. Otherwise, I highly encourage you to read this article.

You'll discover 9 great tips on internet marketing of how to make big money online from home business.

1. Place an ad on the websites frequented by your target customers. Before doing this, you need to define who will be your target customers. Placing an ad on sites that they usually visit will increase the possibility that your ad will gain the attention and will be follow your target customers.

Also, consider the website's search engine placement, traffic, external linking and the other ads placed on it. External linking will determine if there are other sites that link to this site. This will mean that people can get to the site where your ad is placed, even if they are browsing a different site. Check if many of your competitors have ads on this site.

2. Placing ads on some sites cost some money. However, there are also sites that can place a link to your site, product or service in exchange of having their link being displayed on your site. This is also true about the newsletters sent by site owners to its mailing list members regularly.

Also, having helpful links placed on your site and having sites link to your pages help in boosting search engine ranking. This is similar to making a statement that your site's content is important that other sites have links to your web pages.

3. Pay-per-click (PPC) is also a great alternative internet marketing strategy in Internet marketing. You will only need to pay for the ad if the link is clicked. If you prefer this method of advertisement, make sure that you are using services that set limits on daily expenses. There are also services that help you determine effective keywords and monitor the PPC results.

4. Choose your domain name wisely. It is still being debated if domain names matter when it comes to search engine placement. Whether it does or not, having product related domain names help consumers remember your domain, which they can go back to your site even without the links.

5. Make sure you have useful content on your sites. While keyword density is important in search engine placement, having useless information or annoying repetition of keywords will not increase your customer's confidence in your site. It may even affect your sites traffic and can get your site removed from search engines. So make sure that keywords are used strategically.

6. When thinking of keywords, think like your target customers. What do you think are they going to search so they can get to your site? Also, use specific keywords or key phrases. Submitting a single word or a very general phrase to a search engine will not get you to the top of the search results compared to submitting specific keywords that describe your product and services perfectly.

7. Track your ads. Always check how much you have spent on placing links on frequently visited sites and on PPC. There are services that allow you to monitor PPC transactions and how many of these end in sales. You always need to consider if the ads that you have placed on these websites are getting you to your target consumers and if these ads can lead to revenue.

8. Reach to the top of the search engine. Many people say getting to the top of search engine results is difficult since millions of websites exist, which can be using the same keywords. While this is true, this doesn't mean that your website has to stack under your competitors' websites when presenting search engine results. Strategic advertising and linking, together with useful content, can also get you to the top of the search results.

9. One final tip on marketing products and services, sell the benefits. It will help your marketing strategies a lot if you highlight the benefits of choosing your products and services instead of merely discussing the product specifications. Product specifications may not mean much to customers, unless they know what these stand for (how these specifications affect the quality of the product or service).

Conclusion, I strongly believe that the above 9 great tips on internet marketing can definitely help you to boost skyrocket your profits online. I highly encourage you to take those great tips on internet marketing into your action now. You'll earn big money online from home business!

#1 best internet marketing course - learn how to build highly profitable home based internet marketing business from scratch and discover great tips on internet marketing of how to make money over $65,000 in a month!

Get FREE report now to discover great tips on internet marketing, internet marketing techniques and secrets of how to make money at home easy through your online home based internet marketing business with multiple marketing strategies (e.g. email promotion internet marketing, affiliate marketing business, and blogging). There are many easy ways to make money online there. You'll learn a lot of easy ways to make money online at home. Also, you'll save your time & money for your online home based internet marketing business!

Read more articles about online home based internet marketing business and how to earn extra money at:

*Reprint Policy: Reprint in full with writer's name, contact information, active links and brief bio.

About the Author

Siripong R. or zMillionDollars is a recognized authority on the subject of making money online from home through highly profitable & successful home based business. His websites, and, provide a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about earning money online.

Home Internet Businesses: Work Online!

"The Real Secret Of Network Marketing Success"

by R.J. Kaminsky

Network marketing is not easy. I will not lie. But, in saying that there is a little known way to absolutely ensure your success.

This secret is seldom used yet for those that do hold true to the principle that I am about to outline you simple cannot fail. That's right your success is 100% gu'aranteed.

Before we get to the secret let's do a little ground work to set the stage for HUGE and quick success in network marketing.

The level of success and freedom in life that network marketing offers to the average person is unlimited and that's the appeal, but there are some ways to help ensure that success occurs for you as quickly as possible.

Most people jump into a new home bus'iness on a hope and dream.

They look at the compensation plan and the testimonials involved with the network marketing company that they are about to join and see the vision.

They say "Man ... IF I max out this plan I'll be making $40,000 a month and I'll never have to work again! Let's give it try!"

They fill themselves up with anticipation for the windfall of cash that is on the way and they sit back and wait for the money to come to them.

Then a month later after they go through a few trails and try a few things unsuccessfully they say . . . "Why isn't this working?"

Then the next month when they put in half the effort they put in their first month and nothing happens again they quit and say they were scammed.

My question to you is . . . were they scammed?

You see, before you start any Network Marketing business you have to do a little bit more homework than just look at the compensation plan and the testimonials. You have to really research what you are about to get yourself into.

What type of research do you have to do? What questions should you ask?

Here they are:

" How long has the company been around?

" What is the product?

" Is the product unique?

" Does the product have mass appeal?

" Is the product a front runner in an emerging market?

" Can you become passionate about the product?

" Does the business have a powerful marketing system in place?

" Who are the successful people in this business?

" What are the successful people doing to create that success?

" Is the product something that the majority of the public can afford?

" Am I personally financial stable enough to start a new business?

" What type of a monthly marketing budget will I have to set aside to be successful?

" What are the conversion statistics for the marketing process?

" Is the business truly duplicable?

" What would be my break even point?

" Is there a way to make money quickly with this business or is there a way that I can create a quick income in marketing this business?

" Etc.

You see it's not just the opportunity that has to be correct. You TOO have to be correct for the opportunity and you have to be in a financial position to take advantage of the opportunity at hand.

Way too many times I see people joining my business that jump in on a hope and a dream.

They have barely enough money to pay for there monthly membership commitment and yet they still want to know the fastest way to grow their business for FREE.

When people get caught up in the emotion of opening the possibility for more in their life sometimes they don't think clearly. They think if they can just get themselves in they will get rich.

It's not just about getting yourself in.

It's about getting yourself in and putting yourself in a position to be able to fully maximize the opportunity at hand.

I get asked the following WRONG question all the time.

"How long until I make money?"

It's not about how long until you make money it's about what you have to do to make money.

The truth is you could put yourself in a profitable situation tomorrow or today, but it would take resources and a good deal of learning to know how to do it.

The truth is, the fast way is never the FREE way. It's either going to take you a good deal of money to put yourself in a profitable position or a good deal of education and leverage, and most of the time both.

There is no luck factor.

You don't earn money until you are worth of the income you produce. As the great Earl Nightingale always says "You have to be worth more than you are getting paid for you'r inc0me to grow."

This is the natural state of all things and it's not going to change. In order for your inc0me to grow you must grow.

Now . . .

Let me back up for a second to say that you CAN create a large amount of success in Network Marketing for fr'ee, but not until you know how.

If you don't have the answer to this question of how to create a large amount of success for free now and it is a burning desire for you learn how to do this, then get out there and do the necessary leg work and research to get yourself into to the position in which you can grow your network marketing organization for FR'EE.

Enough of this banter . . .

If you want to have HUGE success in Network Marketing quickly you will need to of course obtain or create a powerful marketing system that is highly duplicable. If you want do this on the internet here are the critical factors that you should look for in the least:

" A high power lead capture page

" A strong follow up email system that incorporates the fear of loss.

" A direct marketing style website that sells so you don't have to.

Let's talk about the secret that will absolutely guarantee that you succeed in Network Marketing.


Well remember when I gave the example above of the typical mindset for people entering into network marketing?

They say:

"Man ... IF I max out this plan I'll be making $40,000 a month and I'll never have to work again! Let's give it try!"

All we have to do is change one word in this statement to give you the little know secret to guaranteeing you network marketing success.

Change the word "IF" to "WHEN"

Don't make it a possibility to succeed in network marketing make it a conviction.

It's the people that see the compensation plan and do all the research that I've noted above and then say to themselves that it's only a matter of time until they max out their compensation plan that truly and always without a shadow of a doubt succeed.

Network marketing is not something that works part of the time or if your lucky. It always works as long as you do everything in your power to make it work.

Set a goal in your network marketing business and don't stop until you get there and you WILL get there. I guarantee it.

Contact me if you have any questions!

R.J. Kaminsky 707-395-0585

About the Author

I've been online developing my marketing skills for 10 years now. What a rollercoaster ride. I've marketed everything from vitamins to houses and all kinds of education which is where I find myself today. My successes have had me making $1500 sales in a day to learning great lead generating strategies that have allowed me to continue growing.
Presently I own my own business known as Taskmasters "Wealth Education and Investment Strategies"

"The Real Secret Of Network Marketing Success"

"The Real Secret Of Network Marketing Success"

by R.J. Kaminsky

Network marketing is not easy. I will not lie. But, in saying that there is a little known way to absolutely ensure your success.

This secret is seldom used yet for those that do hold true to the principle that I am about to outline you simple cannot fail. That's right your success is 100% gu'aranteed.

Before we get to the secret let's do a little ground work to set the stage for HUGE and quick success in network marketing.

The level of success and freedom in life that network marketing offers to the average person is unlimited and that's the appeal, but there are some ways to help ensure that success occurs for you as quickly as possible.

Most people jump into a new home bus'iness on a hope and dream.

They look at the compensation plan and the testimonials involved with the network marketing company that they are about to join and see the vision.

They say "Man ... IF I max out this plan I'll be making $40,000 a month and I'll never have to work again! Let's give it try!"

They fill themselves up with anticipation for the windfall of cash that is on the way and they sit back and wait for the money to come to them.

Then a month later after they go through a few trails and try a few things unsuccessfully they say . . . "Why isn't this working?"

Then the next month when they put in half the effort they put in their first month and nothing happens again they quit and say they were scammed.

My question to you is . . . were they scammed?

You see, before you start any Network Marketing business you have to do a little bit more homework than just look at the compensation plan and the testimonials. You have to really research what you are about to get yourself into.

What type of research do you have to do? What questions should you ask?

Here they are:

" How long has the company been around?

" What is the product?

" Is the product unique?

" Does the product have mass appeal?

" Is the product a front runner in an emerging market?

" Can you become passionate about the product?

" Does the business have a powerful marketing system in place?

" Who are the successful people in this business?

" What are the successful people doing to create that success?

" Is the product something that the majority of the public can afford?

" Am I personally financial stable enough to start a new business?

" What type of a monthly marketing budget will I have to set aside to be successful?

" What are the conversion statistics for the marketing process?

" Is the business truly duplicable?

" What would be my break even point?

" Is there a way to make money quickly with this business or is there a way that I can create a quick income in marketing this business?

" Etc.

You see it's not just the opportunity that has to be correct. You TOO have to be correct for the opportunity and you have to be in a financial position to take advantage of the opportunity at hand.

Way too many times I see people joining my business that jump in on a hope and a dream.

They have barely enough money to pay for there monthly membership commitment and yet they still want to know the fastest way to grow their business for FREE.

When people get caught up in the emotion of opening the possibility for more in their life sometimes they don't think clearly. They think if they can just get themselves in they will get rich.

It's not just about getting yourself in.

It's about getting yourself in and putting yourself in a position to be able to fully maximize the opportunity at hand.

I get asked the following WRONG question all the time.

"How long until I make money?"

It's not about how long until you make money it's about what you have to do to make money.

The truth is you could put yourself in a profitable situation tomorrow or today, but it would take resources and a good deal of learning to know how to do it.

The truth is, the fast way is never the FREE way. It's either going to take you a good deal of money to put yourself in a profitable position or a good deal of education and leverage, and most of the time both.

There is no luck factor.

You don't earn money until you are worth of the income you produce. As the great Earl Nightingale always says "You have to be worth more than you are getting paid for you'r inc0me to grow."

This is the natural state of all things and it's not going to change. In order for your inc0me to grow you must grow.

Now . . .

Let me back up for a second to say that you CAN create a large amount of success in Network Marketing for fr'ee, but not until you know how.

If you don't have the answer to this question of how to create a large amount of success for free now and it is a burning desire for you learn how to do this, then get out there and do the necessary leg work and research to get yourself into to the position in which you can grow your network marketing organization for FR'EE.

Enough of this banter . . .

If you want to have HUGE success in Network Marketing quickly you will need to of course obtain or create a powerful marketing system that is highly duplicable. If you want do this on the internet here are the critical factors that you should look for in the least:

" A high power lead capture page

" A strong follow up email system that incorporates the fear of loss.

" A direct marketing style website that sells so you don't have to.

Let's talk about the secret that will absolutely guarantee that you succeed in Network Marketing.


Well remember when I gave the example above of the typical mindset for people entering into network marketing?

They say:

"Man ... IF I max out this plan I'll be making $40,000 a month and I'll never have to work again! Let's give it try!"

All we have to do is change one word in this statement to give you the little know secret to guaranteeing you network marketing success.

Change the word "IF" to "WHEN"

Don't make it a possibility to succeed in network marketing make it a conviction.

It's the people that see the compensation plan and do all the research that I've noted above and then say to themselves that it's only a matter of time until they max out their compensation plan that truly and always without a shadow of a doubt succeed.

Network marketing is not something that works part of the time or if your lucky. It always works as long as you do everything in your power to make it work.

Set a goal in your network marketing business and don't stop until you get there and you WILL get there. I guarantee it.

Contact me if you have any questions!

R.J. Kaminsky 707-395-0585

About the Author

I've been online developing my marketing skills for 10 years now. What a rollercoaster ride. I've marketed everything from vitamins to houses and all kinds of education which is where I find myself today. My successes have had me making $1500 sales in a day to learning great lead generating strategies that have allowed me to continue growing.
Presently I own my own business known as Taskmasters "Wealth Education and Investment Strategies"